Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is your Favourite RC?

WEll, its an actual quetion, because in this moment we ve got a lot of various RCs.

We ve got a letter from SWIM:

"DPT: It is the most unique Research Chemical I have experienced, It's extremely psychedelic with low doses being like a solid introspective dose of LSD and high doses being extremely mindbending, up there with DMT.

2cb: It has less negative physical effects for me than the other 2cx's I've experienced and it has a good deal of versatility. It's a bit similar to ecstasy at low to moderate doses and can become fairly hallucinogenic at higher doses.

4 aco dmt: An extremely balanced hallucinogenic tryptamine, this has probably become the measure for me to which to compare all other tryptamines. It's similar to shrooms but much less chaotic and overwhelming, still a very powerfully cognitive and emotional trip.

Methylone (entactogen) and mxe (disassociative) are my favorite euphoriant Research Chems."

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